Monday, February 9, 2009

5 New Social Manners for 2009

So here I am again, yes with my 2 cent on social manners. With the advent technology such as cell phones and in-car televisions, folks have lost their manners. I mean, come on, the whole "loud-mouthed" cell phone conversations in the bank has simply got to stop. All that being said, here is my list of the "New Social Manners for 2009."

1. Proper use of your cell phone in public places.
We are all guilty of being on a call when our turn comes up in line to pay for something. But for goodness sake folks, HANG UP THE DAMN PHONE! It is abundantly rude to hold a conversation while transacting business at a counter, check-stand, or cashier. You are distracted and more than likely smack-dead in the middle of a verbiage storm that will likely discombobulate the clerk and cause your transaction to run pass the allotted time allowed. Thus, making all the people behind you, increasingly irritated for having to wait for you to get your $%^* together and pay. Get a clue and hang up the phone.

Another inappropriate place to continue your public cell phone banter is in an elevator. It is exceedingly painful to be trapped in an elevator- albeit for only 45 seconds- with a trap flapping moron blasting you out in a 3X3 box. If you find yourself in a conversation you simply cannot end at the exact moment you are to enter an elevator, simply ask the trap- flapper on the other end to hold for one moment while you courteously ride the elevator. I am certain they would understand and it won't kill either of you to put your "gab fest" on hold for a short spell.

2. Don't be a line humper.
Where has personal space gone? Are you one of those bozos that stands 4 inches away from the person in front of you in a line? I have found that more and more people find it absolutely ok to be less than 1 foot away from me while standing in line to pay for something. This is ridiculous people! Here's the deal, I'm up at the cashier ready to pay. I select "debit" as my means of payment. Obviously I don't want the shmoe behind me eyeballing my pin while I type it in. For goodness sake if you find that you are less than 1 foot away from the person in front of you in a line, STEP BACK! Quit humping people in lines! Give people the respect of some normal personal space while in public! Especially if your "flapping your trap or being flapped at."! Who wants to feel your breath on the back of their necks!

3. Facebook and MySpace Etiquette
This one goes for guys and gals alike. Please by all means, don't retain a collection of exes in your friends on either sites. If your are in a serious relationship, this kind of "in your face" cyber faux pas makes for a very awkward situations. Oh and don't give me that "oh my girl/guy doesn't care" crap. THEY DO! Keep your past in your past and don't flaunt it to your new squeeze by herding your exes on your Facebook or MySpace pages. Besides, they're exes, they lost their rank in your life, so get 'em out of there!

4. E-mail Forwarding to your friends
I will be the first to admit- I have a lot of friends with whom I communicate mostly through email. But that doesn't mean I bombard them with stupid forwarded emails. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about and you know who you are.  You are that one friend that insists on forwarding all those sappy prayers that require the reader to continue the cycle of madness or God will smite you! Or are you the person that thinks every joke is hilarious so you must send it out into the wild blue yonder? And don't let me get started on the 50,000 forwards that display the previous 10,000 recipients stacked so far that you are scrolling for 10 minutes before you get to the actual message. Here's a newsflash: No one's phone ever rings after forwarding to 10 people. No money flies out the sky once you hit "send." Those kids aren't really missing. And God probably won't zap you if you delete that email. In a nutshell- those chain emails SUCK! Be the first to stop the cycle of madness and just hit...wait for it.....wait for it.... DELETE! See how good that felt?

5. Appropriate cell phone usage with inappropriate language in public places.
Let's keep item #1 in mind and assume you are not in any of those places, but are in an situation, where people are around and it's ok for you and everyone else to be chatting away. What is not ok is for you or anyone else to be speaking 100 decibels above normal levels. There is nothing more annoying than to be within a 15 foot radius of a yelling cell phone user. Oh and let's not go one more level up- the cusser! Yes you read it correctly, a yelling and cussing cell phone fool! Why do people think it is ok to be rude and not only yell on the phone in public venues, but to curse like sailors too? To curse out loud and blast the people nearby is the pinnacle of rudeness. And ladies, ladies, ladies, why are you cursing and being loud and belligerent on the phone in public? And you wonder why you can't meet a good man. Express some form of decorum, be courteous enough save your profanity for home and more private places.

Once again, this is just my 2 cents. So, Read it, Learn it, Live it, Love it. Or hate it. But thanks for reading!

Image borrowed from

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